Core Secretariat

Message from the Secretariat
Respected Delegates
Warm Greetings from Pacific World School!
With esteemed pleasure, we cordially invite you to the First Edition of PACMUN 2023, to be conducted on August 11 and 12, 2023. PACMUN will offer its delegates an unrivalled Model UN experience by running highly-personalised, engaging and dynamic committees that will cover a wide array of geographical areas and time periods, and we are confident that each delegate will be able to find a committee that sparks his or her interest.
The school visualises today’s youth as the flag bearers of change, filled with hope of a better and progressive tomorrow. Exchange of ideas among youth is the foundation upon which our future shall be built. We firmly believe that two days of deliberation at PACMUN 2023 on thought-provoking and relevant agendas will be instrumental in producing a paradigm shift in the outlook of delegates towards social justice, equality, peace and harmony. This is a time for bold measures. This world demands the qualities of youth, a state of mind, a temper of the will, a quality of imagination, and a predominance of courage over timidity. We highly encourage you to register at the earliest to be allotted your country and committee of choice.
We will be continually updating you with the progress on your registered Email Ids, but if you have any pressing questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the PACMUN Secretariat at
Looking forward to seeing you at the conference!